Sunday, May 30, 2010

Advanced String School 2010 (Oct 4-10) Puri

From the school webpage:

The String Theory group at the Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar is organising the Advanced String School (third in the series) from October 4-10, 2010. The school will be held in the historic town of Puri. Puri has been a seat of art, music, dance, literature and philosophy for eight hundred years and is famous for the Jagannath temple. The venue is Hotel Shree Hari, a hotel right on the beach where all the speakers and participants will be housed.

The aim of the school is to stimulate scientific interactions between students and researchers from the international community while contributing to the development of scientific research in India.

This school, in particular, is for graduate students and postdocs in India working in String Theory. Permanent faculty members are also welcome to attend. This school is open to anyone from the international community working in String Theory as well. The institute will take care of the local hospitality for the participants during the week of the school. We may also have limited funds for domestic travel for some of the participants.

Organisers of the school: Anirban Basu, J. Maharana and Sudipta Mukherji

Important Date: August 1, 2010 (last date for registration)